Bobby describes the whole PD perfectly
Bobby describes the whole PD perfectly
11 votes
4 years ago
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Alex Marshall buying a car
Alex Marshall buying a car
1 vote
5 years ago
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Bobby makes sure his privilege is still valid
Bobby makes sure his privilege is still valid
4 votes
5 years ago
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It's a party  now
It's a party now
4 votes
4 years ago
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LB getting raided because they shot Archer with a Tec9 ????????
LB getting raided because they shot Archer with a Tec9 ????????
5 votes
5 years ago
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What it's like being the 4th cop on duty
What it's like being the 4th cop on duty
12 votes
5 years ago
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ImmortalHD admits to using Meta in extremely serious role-play situations
ImmortalHD admits to using Meta in extremely serious role-play situations
14 votes
5 years ago
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