is there an evolutionary reason for cuteness?
is there an evolutionary reason for cuteness?
7 votes
4 years ago
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two hyena cubs trying desperately to wake up their sleepy mom
two hyena cubs trying desperately to wake up their sleepy mom
6 votes
4 years ago
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an actual unicorn
an actual unicorn
1 vote
4 years ago
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baby hyena pp
baby hyena pp
4 votes
4 years ago
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Wilderbeast Mother Son Reunion
Wilderbeast Mother Son Reunion
1 vote
4 years ago
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baby elephant REALLY trying to drink milk from mom who's busy drinking water from a well she dug
baby elephant REALLY trying to drink milk from mom who's busy drinking water from a well she dug
4 votes
4 years ago
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"It's doing my favourite thing that elephants do!"
"It's doing my favourite thing that elephants do!"
5 votes
3 years ago
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