Nexa 200IQ play - denying the AWP from MIBR
Nexa 200IQ play - denying the AWP from MIBR
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s1mple - 4 quick Famas kills on the bombsite A defense (3vs4 situation)
s1mple - 4 quick Famas kills on the bombsite A defense (3vs4 situation)
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ZywOo - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A bomb plant defense (3vs5 situation)
ZywOo - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A bomb plant defense (3vs5 situation)
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zywoo nuke 1v2 4k 1hp
zywoo nuke 1v2 4k 1hp
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Broky tabs out
Broky tabs out
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BoombI4 ACE on the defense (Inferno)
BoombI4 ACE on the defense (Inferno)
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niko needs a piss
niko needs a piss
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