VINI - 1vs4 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
VINI - 1vs4 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
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s1mple - 4 AK kills on the bombsite A offensive (finishing frags)
s1mple - 4 AK kills on the bombsite A offensive (finishing frags)
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hallzerk and f0rest KappaPride
hallzerk and f0rest KappaPride
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tarik trying to defuse
tarik trying to defuse
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Chopper Unreal 1v4 Clutch
Chopper Unreal 1v4 Clutch
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Allu 200 iq clutch
Allu 200 iq clutch
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flamie - 3 instant AK kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (4vs4 situation)
flamie - 3 instant AK kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (4vs4 situation)
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