![Pony's puppet Show](https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/AT-cm%7CyqC4OE5uc4wltRpDAse4xw-preview-480x272.jpg)
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![I'm Affiliate!!! --- !sr !apples](https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/31421355776-offset-4356-preview-480x272.jpg)
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![Running From the Sadness in Gris](https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/31742427376-offset-17076-preview-480x272.jpg)
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![Working on sub badge emote and pondering the mysteries of life, on the side. !pony that dab tho](https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/31785824752-offset-6102-preview-480x272.jpg)
Working on sub badge emote and pondering the mysteries of life, on the side. !pony that dab tho
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6 years ago
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![Getting Lost in Vivo](https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/31985800864-offset-5930-preview-480x272.jpg)
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![Getting Lost in Vivo](https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/31986796576-offset-2288-preview-480x272.jpg)
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![Amone pretend to be amy](https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/AT-cm%7C374615087-preview-480x272.jpg)
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