Starting sober and working my way to useless. Devil Daggers drunk will probably be less than ideal.
Starting sober and working my way to useless. Devil Daggers drunk will probably be less than ideal.
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6 years ago
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New Mic, might be a little loud or quiet, sorry about that lmao
New Mic, might be a little loud or quiet, sorry about that lmao
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6 years ago
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nothing much
nothing much
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6 years ago
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Time for that there Coffee, after DD Found an OLD Cowboy game I used to love. Gonna see if it holds up.
Time for that there Coffee, after DD Found an OLD Cowboy game I used to love. Gonna see if it holds up.
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6 years ago
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Lets do this
Lets do this
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6 years ago
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Bintr is officially a liar, time for Celest, continuing the adventure of Skull IV
Bintr is officially a liar, time for Celest, continuing the adventure of Skull IV
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6 years ago
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I'm 26 now, isn't that just grand? Playing a whole bunch of games tonight. Some with you guys, Raffle later as well!
I'm 26 now, isn't that just grand? Playing a whole bunch of games tonight. Some with you guys, Raffle later as well!
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6 years ago
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