[NA GM] the best weekend stream, HL with "good" "players". (mandatory drops reference here)
[NA GM] the best weekend stream, HL with "good" "players". (mandatory drops reference here)
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6 years ago
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Difficult to pull off plays PogU
Difficult to pull off plays PogU
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6 years ago
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[NA GM] Birthday stream FeelsBirthdayMan , streamer acquired a +10 to feed talent.
[NA GM] Birthday stream FeelsBirthdayMan , streamer acquired a +10 to feed talent.
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6 years ago
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[NA GM] sleep is a commodity, hero league is a necessity. oh also, drops are a thing, because im required by law to mention them.
[NA GM] sleep is a commodity, hero league is a necessity. oh also, drops are a thing, because im required by law to mention them.
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6 years ago
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[NA #17 GM] attempting to climb HL and provide some drops, if the internet allows.
[NA #17 GM] attempting to climb HL and provide some drops, if the internet allows.
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6 years ago
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[NA #18 GM]  Proves his worth to the NA professional teams by playing during national holiday of Thanksgiving.
[NA #18 GM] Proves his worth to the NA professional teams by playing during national holiday of Thanksgiving.
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6 years ago
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that one streamer that didnt bail and only came back for a few days due to new hero release.
that one streamer that didnt bail and only came back for a few days due to new hero release.
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6 years ago
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