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Celebrating Affiliate Status with some Jackbox Games! Winners get 300 Platinum!
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Patiun playing The Jackbox Party Pack 5
5 years ago
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Mystery Monday! Help us solve mysteries! (No spoilers please)
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5 years ago
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Witcher Wednesday! 100% Creative titles and good times! Platinum raffle for every death!
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Patiun playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
5 years ago
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Jackbox and Chill! 200 Platinum to every winner! (!race !platplan)
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Patiun playing The Jackbox Party Pack 4
5 years ago
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Mastering the 3v3 with OrangeUGladBingo and Warrkilm! Bet on the games and win some platinum! (!race !platplan)
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Patiun playing League of Legends
5 years ago
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XCOM2 - Campaign 2! Join us as we struggle to defeat Advent on commander difficulty! (!xcom !race)
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Patiun playing XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
5 years ago
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