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2 years ago
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bad game
bad game
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2 years ago
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Battle Brothers:E/E/L/I Too many warbrands, not enough hammers. What's the worst that could happen? Orcs. Definitely orcs. Pls no orcs.
Battle Brothers:E/E/L/I Too many warbrands, not enough hammers. What's the worst that could happen? Orcs. Definitely orcs. Pls no orcs.
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6 years ago
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FTL: No Pause/Hard boy it has been a while since I've done this. I wonder if Tully missed me. He probably didn't. He doesn't seem the type.
FTL: No Pause/Hard boy it has been a while since I've done this. I wonder if Tully missed me. He probably didn't. He doesn't seem the type.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Alright today is the day we don't mess it up. I thought that was yesterday, but yesterday was BS. It's now today.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Alright today is the day we don't mess it up. I thought that was yesterday, but yesterday was BS. It's now today.
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6 years ago
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Playtest your game before you change it?
Playtest your game before you change it?
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I The continued search for post 100 day famed items. I know they exist, like on a conceptual level. Probably. Right?
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I The continued search for post 100 day famed items. I know they exist, like on a conceptual level. Probably. Right?
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I The continued search for post 100 day famed items. I know they exist, like on a conceptual level. Probably. Right?
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I The continued search for post 100 day famed items. I know they exist, like on a conceptual level. Probably. Right?
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Couple of alps came by my house and put me to sleep and I had to wait to get woken up. That's why I'm late. I swear
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Couple of alps came by my house and put me to sleep and I had to wait to get woken up. That's why I'm late. I swear
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Necrosavant? More like...Deadcro...Sa...Dead. You know what, come back to me. I'm sick. Don't bully me chatroom.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Necrosavant? More like...Deadcro...Sa...Dead. You know what, come back to me. I'm sick. Don't bully me chatroom.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L I really want to just go ahead and ssy that this is looking real good, but I think I'd trigger an obvious death flag.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L I really want to just go ahead and ssy that this is looking real good, but I think I'd trigger an obvious death flag.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I The power of a horn on a man with serious horn blowing skills should never be underestimated. Doot doot my man.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I The power of a horn on a man with serious horn blowing skills should never be underestimated. Doot doot my man.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I We're getting to that part of the game where one bad fight destroys all my hard work and I am scared chatroom.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I We're getting to that part of the game where one bad fight destroys all my hard work and I am scared chatroom.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: Late game stuff. Mostly me dreading fighting armies of Skeletal romans and teleporting "nothing peronnal" vampires xddd
Battle Brothers: Late game stuff. Mostly me dreading fighting armies of Skeletal romans and teleporting "nothing peronnal" vampires xddd
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Goblins are like a box of tiny, poisonous, slightly irritating chocolates who are hard to kill and I hate a lot.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Goblins are like a box of tiny, poisonous, slightly irritating chocolates who are hard to kill and I hate a lot.
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
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Magic the Gathering: Playing a bunch of mediocre half decks poor to get the top.
Magic the Gathering: Playing a bunch of mediocre half decks poor to get the top.
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6 years ago
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FTL: Hard/No Pause I get asked a lot: Cat can you sip some booze and still win at hard/nopause ftl? Short answer is: SURE CAN BUDDY
FTL: Hard/No Pause I get asked a lot: Cat can you sip some booze and still win at hard/nopause ftl? Short answer is: SURE CAN BUDDY
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6 years ago
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MTG Arena: I basically just play this game because I can chat with you guys while I do it so this is more about chatting then vidya. Ye.
MTG Arena: I basically just play this game because I can chat with you guys while I do it so this is more about chatting then vidya. Ye.
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6 years ago
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FTL: NoPause/Hard Mode If missiles were delicious snacks I'd be ridiculously overweight and dead because I EAT TOO MANY OF THEM IN THIS GAME
FTL: NoPause/Hard Mode If missiles were delicious snacks I'd be ridiculously overweight and dead because I EAT TOO MANY OF THEM IN THIS GAME
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6 years ago
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