fancy - 3 quick M4A4 kills on the bombsite B retake (2vs3 post-plant situation)
fancy - 3 quick M4A4 kills on the bombsite B retake (2vs3 post-plant situation)
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Robo plays with one arm
Robo plays with one arm
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s1mple snipes down three to earn map point (Train)
s1mple snipes down three to earn map point (Train)
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JW snipes down three on the defense (Mirage)
JW snipes down three on the defense (Mirage)
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SANJI 3k on the retake
SANJI 3k on the retake
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zhokiNg shuts down Na`Vi with an ACE (Nuke)
zhokiNg shuts down Na`Vi with an ACE (Nuke)
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coldzera takes down three to earn map point (Mirage)
coldzera takes down three to earn map point (Mirage)
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