Imagine chewing gum and calmly winning a 1v1 against the final boss of csgo
Imagine chewing gum and calmly winning a 1v1 against the final boss of csgo
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ZywOo (T) gets another ACE (with 1vs4 clutch) - Part 1 - observer
ZywOo (T) gets another ACE (with 1vs4 clutch) - Part 1 - observer
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ALEX - 4 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the offensive (finishing frags - vs pistols)
ALEX - 4 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the offensive (finishing frags - vs pistols)
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Insane Rez 3k deagle to win round vs ENCE
Insane Rez 3k deagle to win round vs ENCE
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NiKo taps down three in the second pistol round ( Dust2)
NiKo taps down three in the second pistol round ( Dust2)
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JW 200iq play
JW 200iq play
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KSCERATO vence 1v1 contra FalleN para garantir o round (inferno) |
KSCERATO vence 1v1 contra FalleN para garantir o round (inferno) |
18 votes
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