Xyp9x 1v4 clutch to complete the ACE (Nuke)
Xyp9x 1v4 clutch to complete the ACE (Nuke)
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Device did a mistake lul
Device did a mistake lul
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Perfecto clutches out the round with a 4k (Inferno)
Perfecto clutches out the round with a 4k (Inferno)
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dexter quad kill hold (Overpass)
dexter quad kill hold (Overpass)
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gla1ve quick double to steal the round on a clutch retake (Dust2)
gla1ve quick double to steal the round on a clutch retake (Dust2)
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s1mple snipes down three to defend the site (Mirage)
s1mple snipes down three to defend the site (Mirage)
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9 votes
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